Jun 26Liked by Matthew Currie

I just FOUND YOU and I’m going to miss you. Take care Matthew 💕

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Jun 26Liked by Matthew Currie

Please take good care of yourself. You are loved and appreciated. Looking forward to your reappearing down the road.

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Blessed be Mattie. May all your good dreams come to. I feel you are on to a very NEW chapter. I'll miss your guidance & commentary but aI always knew this social media Schict was not your cup of tea. Happy trails😘

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Matthew, I'm so sorry to hear you're down and out for a bit. It's been a while since I've seen you on FB at all, and I just found you here. What you're doing is what I call cocooning, and that certainly fits your 2nd Saturn Return! Thankfully, the second one is not usually anything like the first one; but yes, take care of your health! I've missed you for so long, my friend.

Looking forward to when you're back. Sending you good thoughts and big hugs across the miles.

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To paraphase Jim Carey, deep rest is better than depressed.

Rest and restore yourself, mate. And keep up the zinc, viatnins c, d, e and multi bs. These are vital, especially with or post covid. (I am not a doctor, etc. But i am autistic,ehich is basically a qualification! You KNOW we research the guts out of everything. Proper research. Not "do your own research, research".. plus lived experience.)

Rest and replensish yourself, dear man.

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A hearty Amen! to all of Lisa’s comment and recommendations. In the “misery loves company” department, I just tested positive for C-19 for the second time (1st X in Jan’23). What I’m reading about ‘long Covid’ is indeed troubling- and specifics vary widely from one person to the next- but having a “whole”-istic approach to one’s health and wellbeing seems an important foundation from which to begin to mitigate (if not eradicate!) these ‘knock-on’ effects of Covid. In the course of your R&R, if you feel up to doing some readings, a gentle reminder that I have a standing reservation with you (I did follow through with my missing birth time) - I can of course resubmit anything that got “eaten by the dog”. Most importantly though, take it easy and wait until you have regained enough mojo to ‘take on chores’ successfully- satisfaction feels good! Be of good cheer Matthew, we’ve got this! (and how 🙄)

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Take care Matthew, you'll be missed, but good to spin out if that's what you need. All best, Patrick x

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Health 1rst. We will wait. Sending healing 💓

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