It seems that every time I write about an Eclipse I emphasize the idea that it leaves a point in your chart that will be activated by a transit at some point in the following months. Despite that, an Eclipse can trigger surprising events at the time it happens. Case in point: the recent sudden death of Matthew Perry who died within hours of the last Eclipse on October 28th, 2023.
Matthew was born August 19th, 1969 at 4:47 a.m. in North Adams, Massachusetts. He was best known for his role on the much-beloved sitcom "Friends."
At the time of his death, some stressful transits were happening to his chart. Transiting Uranus was square his natal Sun. Transiting Neptune was conjunct his natal South Node and opposite his Pluto. Transiting Uranus was opposite his natal Neptune -- but since transiting Neptune was also trine his natal Neptune, it is tempting to think that the one transit canceled out the other.
Stressful? Probably. An obvious indicator of impending doom? Not at all -- until we take a good close look at the Eclipse that happened that day.
Here's the stunning one though. In his birth chart notice that his Moon is at 7 degrees Scorpio. It is closely opposite his natal Saturn (ruler of his Sixth House of Health) at almost 9° Taurus. At the time of his death transiting Jupiter was within three degrees of the conjunction to his natal Saturn (and thus also closely opposite his Moon). Then look at the Eclipse Points themselves. The Moon was closely conjunct his natal Saturn, therefore opposite his natal Moon. Since this was a Lunar Eclipse, that means the transiting Sun was conjunct his Moon and opposite his Saturn.
As of this writing, a cause of death has not been established. We know that it involves drowning in a hot tub somehow. Because of Matthew Perry's background, I admit I was looking to Neptune and/or Jupiter as a contributing cause to death, because of damage he may have done himself from years of drinking and drug abuse (which he now had left behind him).
But you learn something new every day. After his death, I found out that he had played a couple of hours of pickleball and then returned to his home to have a soak in the hot tub. What I learned is that there are potentially significant risks for a heart attack when one engages in a couple of hours of strenuous exercise and then sits for too long in a hot tub -- even in a relatively healthy person. So, even though at the time of this writing, a definite cause of death has not been established? That strangely unexpected yet mundane cause of death appears to be more than likely what killed him.
And for those of you who jumped on the anti-vaccine bandwagon, claiming somehow it was his covid 19 vaccination status that got him killed mysteriously, and did so before his corpse was even cold? Don't let the fact that you have to shoehorn every bit of bad news into your worldview turn you into a ghoul.
I read somewhere that he had previously flatlined and was resecitated after one of his surgeries. I listened to his last interview promoting his new book. I was very sad to hear of his passing after finally getting clean. Sometimes the damage caused by years of addiction can't be turned around. Prayers for his friends and family. ðŸ˜